

A-Consult styrker forholdet til Himmerland med ny fabrik og deltagelse på Agro Nord

By | Nyhed, Ukategoriseret

A-Consult styrker forholdet til Himmerland med ny fabrik og deltagelse på Agro Nord

Den 5. marts 2025 slår Agro Nord dørene op for endnu en fagmesse for malkekvægssektoren, og A-Consult er naturligvis til stede. I år er der en særligt god årsag til at være til stede – virksomheden har nemlig overtaget en lokal betonelementfabrik i Gedsted.

Med snart 40 års erfaring i at bygge tanke til landbruget, ser A-Consult det som en oplagt mulighed at deltage i dette års Agro Nord-fagmesse. Med fagmessens placering i Himmerland, ønsker virksomheden at komme endnu tættere på de lokale mælkeproducenter og ikke mindst løfte sløret for A-Consults nye – og ikke mindst lokale – fabrik i Himmerlandsområdet.

For det er netop opkøbet af en ny fabrik, der er en af årsagerne til, at A-Consult ser særligt meget frem til at deltage på Agro Nord. Det fortæller Søren Østergaard, direktør i den familieejede virksomhed A-Consult.

“Vi er meget glade for at kunne afsløre, at vi har overtaget en lokal betonelementfabrik i Gedsted, der tidligere har tilhørt Lundsby Industri.  Den tidligere ejer Erik Lundsby og tidligere ansatte på fabrikken har været aktive medspillere i forbindelse med købet, og vi har fået en rigtig god fornemmelse af fabrikkens potentiale,” siger direktøren.

Fra fabrikken i Gedsted har man tidligere produceret og leveret gylletanke til lokalområdet og opbygget en solid tradition for lokal produktion. Med overtagelsen af den lokale fabrik har A-Consult en klar ambition om at genoptage den tradition med produktion af elementer til Agri-tanken.

“Med opkøbet af betonfabrikken i Gedsted styrker vi ikke kun vores produktion, men også vores tilknytning til lokalområdet. Vi ser frem til at videreudvikle på en tradition, hvor landmændene i området kan få leveret kvalitetsbetontanke fra en lokal producent,” siger Søren Østergaard.

Mød A-Consult på Agro Nord

A-Consult deltager på Agro Nord og ser frem til at fortælle meget mere om fabrikken, som de netop nu er i gang med at lave de nødvendige tilpasninger på, så produktionen af betonelementer, der passer til A-Consults produktlinje, kan gå i gang

“Vi ser frem til at hilse på lokale landmænd og fagfolk inden for landbruget på Agro Nord udstillingen i Aars. Vores dygtige team står klar til en snak om, hvordan vi kan bidrage med robuste og kundetilpassede tankløsninger til sikker opbevaring af gylle og til brug på større og mindre biogasanlæg,” afslutter Søren Østergaard.

Concrete tanks rising at sustainable fish farm

By | Nyhed, Ukategoriseret

Concrete tanks rising at sustainable fish farm

Four tanks in function at the end of March 2022. That is the first goal for new, sustainable fish farm of Salmon Evolution on the Norwegian west coast. In all, the project comprises 48 tanks with an annual capacity of 36.000 tons. A huge project that takes good planning and motivated workers, says project director at Salmon Evolution, Kamilla Mordal Holo.

At the moment, Kamilla and her colleagues are focusing on finishing the installation of the first four tanks. They are happy that they chose concrete tanks as a solution, Kamilla states:

– We see concrete as a good choice. The tanks are robust, and we get this finish inside them that is smooth and easily washable. Furthermore, the tank construction is flexible – we have been able to adjust it to our purpose and place e.g. the doors where it was convenient.

Tanks arrive precast

The concrete tanks from the Danish company A-Consult arrive precast, and it takes around 14 days to install two tanks. The corona pandemic has presented smaller delays in the process, but nothing that will affect the overall time schedule.

Parallel to the installation of the tanks, Salmon Evolution is also building up the organization of the plant at Indre Harøy. Kamilla explains:

– When fully operating the first four tanks in 2022, we will have a staff of 25-30 workers in different functions. In 2028, the fish farm at Indre Harøy is expected to employ around 80 people. It takes some time to build up an organization like that.

First harvest ready for Christmas dinner

Crucial to a project this size with a lot of development is good planning and clear communication, says Kamilla. She is impressed by the motivation and focus of everyone on the construction site. Also, the ability to be solution-oriented is very important to the whole project.

When finished with the first four tanks in March 2022, the fish farm will set out the first batch of salmon. Inside the concrete tanks, each with a net capacity of 5.000 m3, the salmon is raised in seawater. Due to a hybrid flow-through system, 65 % of the water can be reused, and 35 % is new supply in the form of filtered fresh seawater. Combining clean and fresh seawater with reused water means, that energy consumption for pumping and heating of water is minimized. Waste and feed residues from the production are collected and used as raw material for biogas production and fertilizer.

At the end of 2022, the new land-based fish farm of Salmon Evolution will be able to deliver the first harvest of app. 100.000 salmon. Kamilla says:

– We expect to be able to provide the consumers with salmon for the Christmas dinner 2022.

Fact box:

The sustainable fish farm of Salmon Evolution

  • The total land-based fish farm of Salon Evolution includes 48 water tanks and will be completed in 2028.
  • First phase of four concrete tanks will be finished and ready for use at the end of March 2022.
  • The concrete tanks are built and delivered by the Danish company A-Consult, specialized in robust tank solutions.
  • Salmon Evolution is a member of the Norwegian aquaculture cluster. The company is driven by a highly competent team backed by strong industrial owners.




Hidden Strength

The Aqua-Tank is constructed using high specification concrete panels held together by a series of circumferential 7 wire PE-sheeted grease impregnated tendons. The tendon is coated in a highly corrosion-resistant grease conforming to the recommendations of both the American Post Tensioning Institute and the FIB. The PE-sheeting is formed by the continuous hot extrusion of high density polyethylene or polypropylene to a minimum redial thickness of between 1.00mm and 2.00mm, again conforming to recommendations of both the American Post Tensioning Institute and the FIB.


Panel Seal

The Aqua-Tank panel seal is unique due to the use of a patented, WRAS approved, substantial EPDM Rubber strip, which absorbs the movement to which every tank is subjected; e.g. seasonal weather changes, variation in liquid level and external pressure from back-fill. Its elasticity is resistant to ammonia and ultra violet light, and with a life expectancy in excess of the concrete panels themselves results in no maintenance on this area for the structures total design life.


Panel to Base Seal

The panel to base seal is typically performed by applying a rebate solution to the base slab. The A-Consult panels can be provided with dowel bars if required. Below shows a typical ring beam section showing how an effective seal is achieved by utilising the step in the base slab along with the correct placement of three strips of hydrotite. Additional security can be achieved during the construction of the in-situ ring beam by forming a small rebate to the inside face and then by filling this rebate with an elastic polyurethane sealant after the ring beam has cured.